Nanny flamed for taking on 5 children at once, even roped in own maid to help

Parents want the best for their kids.
So understandably one father got pretty furious when he found out that the nanny he employed was taking care of other children besides his own, reported Shin Min Daily News on Sept 27.
Pan Lianfu, 45, told the Chinese daily that he had found the nanny via Facebook last year where she quoted him a fee of $950 per month to take care of his child.
When he engaged her, she told him she was also taking care of one other child from another family at the same time.
However, he later discovered that apart from his daughter, she had taken on at least two other children on top of her newborn baby and three-year-old son.
He also claimed that the nanny would also offer pre and postnatal services to others in her house.
Pan said that his main concern is that the nanny would not be able to properly care for so many kids at once.
And as it turns out, she allegedly got her maid to help too.
"Because there are too many children, her maid will also help to care for the kids, which is actually illegal," he revealed.
He also shared that based on the multiple videos he had received from the nanny, he realised that his daughter was crying more frequently than before.
The nanny justified that this was to let the child "exercise her independence".
Pan also shared an incident back in February when he claimed that his daughter tested positive for Covid-19 while she was at the nanny's house.
When he went to fetch her then, he found her in a stroller crying. But instead of consoling the child, the nanny did nothing, which made him "very angry", he said.
The man added that he decided not to leave his daughter in the nanny's care for the next two weeks while his daughter recovered and when he asked for a refund for that period of absence, the nanny allegedly refused.
In her defence, the nanny admitted to Shin Min that although she took on several children on top of her own, her family including her husband, father and maid helped her so that she "won't be overwhelmed".
Regarding the handling of crying children, she explained that she practices the same method on her own children to teach them independence.
She clarified that when Pan's daughter tested positive for Covid-19, she did not dare to go near the child as she was worried there may be cross infection with the other children under her care.
She also criticised Pan for being irresponsible by sending his child to her home when he was aware that she had a high fever.
On the point about her maid helping her take care of other children, she said that she had already registered her home-based business with the relevant authorities.
According to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), migrant domestic workers can only perform domestic chores and are only allowed to work for their employer at the residential address declared to MOM.
Those who illegally deploy their helper may be fined up to $10,000 and banned from employing helpers.
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