'Most therapeutic video of the day': Netizens impressed by driver’s tactic to stop tailgating car from evading parking fees

This driver appeared to have it all planned out.
He was going to tailgate his way out of a carpark to avoid paying a parking fee.
Little did he know that the driver in front had a plan of their own to stop him from getting away scot-free.
On Thursday (March 7), a video shared on Facebook group Roads.sg showed a man chasing down a fellow road user after his attempt to avoid paying a parking fee failed miserably.
A silver Citroen could be seen edging closer to the cam car as both vehicles headed toward the carpark gantry.
Chances are that the Citroen driver was tailgating in order to exit the carpark together with the cam car, thus avoiding paying a parking fee in the process.
However, the cam car driver came to a halt just after passing the gantry.
It meant that the tailgater could not simply dart away without paying his parking fee.
This clearly made him upset as he stepped out of the vehicle to confront and chase down the cam car driver.
It looked like some crude gestures were added for good measure but the cam car driver simply drove away.
At the time of writing, the post has garnered over 130,000 views.
In the comments section, netizens were impressed by the cam car driver's tactic.
"Very genius of the cam car to stop in time. I would have never thought of that," a Facebook user said.
One netizen commented: "Most therapeutic video of the day."
In July 2019, the Housing Development Board and Urban Redevelopment Authority implemented stiffer fines for payment evasion at Electronic Parking System (EPS) carparks.
The fines for not paying carpark fees were raised for motorcycles, cars and heavy vehicles from $25, $50 and $80 to $35, $70 and $100 respectively.
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