Murder scene: Serangoon Gardens resident devastated after otters attack and kill pet koi

A Serangoon Gardens resident awoke to a murder scene at his Chuan Drive home on March 2.
Stomp contributor Jeffrey told Stomp that otters had attacked and killed 30 of his pet koi, leaving mutilated bodies in their wake.
He believes the attack happened between 6.30am to 7am.
He added that this is the first time otters have attacked his koi although earlier this month, another resident in his neighbourhood reported that their koi had also been attacked by otters.
He shared with Stomp photos and a video of the bodies of his beloved koi floating in his home's pond.
"We had to take measures to safeguard our koi fish from future attacks from otters, including using barbed wires," Jeffrey said.
"We have a twenty-two-year-old Giant Gourami that has lost an eye and is refusing all food.
"It would indeed be a sad day if these otters were to attack a child causing grievous harm.
"Residents of Serangoon Gardens watch out for otters."
He has since reported the incident to the National Parks Board (NParks).
In a response seen by Stomp, Jeffrey was advised to install exclusion barriers. It is the most effective means of deterring otters from his premises.
NParks added that it is actively monitoring otter numbers with the Otter Working Group (OWG), which comprises representatives from government agencies, academia and the community.
Based on their findings, the otter population is limited by the resources available, like space and food, and further kept in check by the otters' territorial nature, which may cause occasional conflicts between groups.
As such, the otter population will not grow indefinitely and can be regulated naturally without active intervention.
NParks also included an advisory on how to prevent otters from entering residential compounds and eating residents' fish.
ALSO READ: Left for dead: Otters invade Serangoon Gardens home and 'rip out eyes, fins and tails' of pet koi
This article was first published in Stomp. Permission required for reproduction.