PSLE results to be released on Nov 25: MOE

SINGAPORE - The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results will be released on Nov 25.
The Secondary 1 (S1) option forms to select secondary schools must be collected in person and will not be available online, the Ministry of Education (MOE) said on Wednesday (Nov 18).
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, school candidates will collect their results from their classrooms instead of a school hall from 11am onwards.
This decision was made to give students "the opportunity to be with their classmates and consult their teachers face-to-face on their next steps" when collecting their results, said MOE.
Due to the younger age of PSLE students, a parent or guardian will be allowed to accompany their child or ward to school to collect their results.
However, they will need to wait at designated areas in schools and observe safe management measures while the students receive the results in the classrooms.
Those who are unwell or are on Quarantine Order, Stay-Home Notice or Leave of Absence on the day of the results release should not return to school to collect their results.
Instead, they may view their results online on the Examinations and Assessment Board's (SEAB) results release system at from 11.30am on Nov 25, with a password that they have received from their schools.
The system can be accessed from Nov 25 to Dec 8.
School candidates can also appoint a proxy to collect a physical copy of their results on their behalf by Nov 27.
Those who have not received their passwords for SEAB's results release system or are unable to appoint a proxy to collect their results can contact their school for assistance.
The S1 option forms will be given to eligible students when they collect their results slips in person, said MOE.
Candidates' proxies can collect their S1 Option forms by Nov 27.
Those who are unable to receive their forms can contact their school for assistance.
In every S1 option form, there will be a unique S1 Personal Identification Number, which can be used to submit secondary school options online and view the posting outcome on the Secondary 1 Internet System (S1-IS).
This portal will be accessible from 11am on Nov 25 to 3pm on Dec 1 for students to submit their school choices through S1 Posting website at
The S1 posting results will be released on Dec 22 via SMS to a local number provided by the applicant, on the S1-IS portal or at the student's primary school.
Students do not need to report to their posted secondary schools this year after receiving their S1 posting results.
Instead, they should refer to their posted schools' websites from Dec 22 for more information, such as instructions on online purchase of books and uniforms, booklist, and the reporting details.
More details can be found on the MOE website.
This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.