Resident's nightmare: Uncle blasts loud music all day at Tampines void deck

When Stomp contributor Rosalina noticed that an uncle was playing loud music at the void deck in mid-June, she was fine with it.
However, as the months went on, she realised it was an everyday occurrence and her patience started wearing thin.
Rosalina told Stomp on Oct 7 that the uncle would blast loud music at the void deck between Block 201D Tampines Street 21 and Block 201E Tampines Street 23, and that she could hear the music from inside her house.
"This uncle would play his music at maximum volume at 8am, during lunch time, at midday, during dinner and even after dinner. The worst part is that the music would continuously blast for hours," Rosalina said.
"There is no consideration given to the residents living nearby. It is selfish behavior that has been causing my family distress as most of us are working from home.
"We can't function properly even with all our doors and windows closed because the music can still be heard.
"There are so many ways to enjoy music but definitely not at the expense of others."
"This hell and nightmare started happening a week after Phase Two commenced. If you want to hear how annoyingly loud the music can get, you better not because it will turn you deaf before you know it."
Rosalina added that she has lodged a police report and informed Tampines Town Council about the situation.
She also shared that something like this has never happened to her before.
"My family has lived in this area for 20 years and we are always able to live harmoniously with the uncles and aunties. The sounds of chitchatting, dogs barking, kids screaming and shops opening for businesses are totally okay," Rosalina said.
"But it is a different story with loud music like this as it feels like we are living beside a roadshow that is taking place daily."
In response to a Stomp query, the police confirmed that a report was lodged.
Stomp has contacted Tampines Town Council for more information.