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Today is World Sleep Day, what do Singaporeans dream about the most? The answer may surprise you

Today is World Sleep Day, what do Singaporeans dream about the most? The answer may surprise you
Map displaying the most commonly Google-searched dream in every country.

From getting a devastating grade for your final exam to being chased by a long-haired faceless ghost, we have all had our fair share of weird dreams.

But here’s the bizarre part - the most common dream in Singapore is about snakes.

Yes, snakes, according to a new study by released last month.

This UK resource guide on sleep shows the most-Googled dreams worldwide and it found that Singapore was one of those countries with snakes as the most Googled dream. 

It was on par with Nepal with a total of 17,000 monthly search volumes for snake-related dreams.

Surprisingly, snake-related dreams also came out tops in our neighbouring countries Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines.

Other odd dreams around the world include ex-relationships (Japan and Madagascar), rainbows (Bhutan) and even shoes (Ethiopia).

In Singapore, the survey has generated a whole Reddit discussion about whether we do indeed dream about snakes a lot.  

And students can probably identify with these comments. 


One netizen even joked about the real life 'snakes' he encounters on a daily basis at work.

So, what could possibly be the reason behind those dreams?

The above study mentioned that dreams are a way of trying to bring your attention to something in your life that you have not noticed or paid attention to.

“If you see or get bitten by a snake in your dream, it might represent hidden fears and worries," said the study.


In fact, today (March 18) is World Sleep Day and according to the 2022 Global Sleep Survey, work-related concerns were leading factors why Singaporeans are not sleeping well at night, along with depression and anxiety.

So, perhaps more rest and taking some time off work may reduce your chances of having a snake slither into your dreams.

Do get your well-deserved rest, it is World Sleep Day after all.

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