Walking with dinosaurs: Teen dresses up as T-Rex to pick up sister from school in Pasir Ris

Siblings can certainly annoy the life out of us. Anybody with one will attest to this but somehow, there's no denying the preciousness of a relationship among brothers and sisters.
This is evident in a recent video that has gone viral on Facebook, where a teen is seen picking up his younger sister from school.
That, in itself, is commendable and endearing but what got many heads turning was his choice of clothing.
The video, posted on July 23, began with him awkwardly shuffling towards the gate of White Sands Primary School, in a T-Rex costume.
Hats off to him for enduring the immense heat he must've felt walking under the blazing sun.
As far as we know, dinosaurs don't roam around Pasir Ris so it wasn't surprising that strangers took a double take when this orange and black reptile caught their gaze.
As he waited patiently for his sister, other school children walked up to him eagerly, wanting a closer look at a real-life T-Rex.
Most of the kids shook his hands or waved at it while a boy got cheeky and spanked the dinosaur's bottom.
Halfway through the video, a little girl exited the school gate and ran down a short flight of stairs.
"Siapa tu (who's that in Malay)?" the woman behind the camera asked.
The little girl responded: "Is that abang (older brother in Malay)?"
She didn't need any confirmation and almost immediately gave the T-Rex a big hug.
On their way home, the two held hands and even faced a slight obstacle in the form of an overhead bridge.
She slowly walked up the steps with him, hand in hand, making sure her brother didn't stumble over his costume.
Comments on the video include that of a mum whose child is also attending White Sands Primary School. She was tickled after her son told her about a dinosaur sighting in school the previous day.
A fellow netizen asked, in Malay, what was the secret for getting an older brother to such a thing.
The response was that there wasn't any reason or secret. He simply decided to put on the T-Rex costume for his sister just to amuse and entertain her.
Considering the amount of discomfort wearing that costume must've given him, it's clear that these two siblings share a special bond.