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Cute or cruel? Parents are flinging cheese in their babies' faces for social media likes

Cute or cruel? Parents are flinging cheese in their babies' faces for social media likes
PHOTO: Twitter/mtsang8

This new challenge's getting many people cheesed off.

In March, a man's prank on his nephew sparked a new trend on social media.

The #cheesechallenge is simple - fling a slice of cheese onto an unsuspecting child's face and see how he or she reacts.

Sounds fun?

Apparently, some parents find it entertaining to do so, and can be heard chuckling while they film their acts of mischief.


One dad had impeccable aim - he threw a piece of cheese that landed squarely on his son's nose and mouth, and later dubbed him a 'cheese ninja'.


Another toddler, however, was stunned and cried when she was smacked in the face with cheese.


Those who don't have children at home turned to their furkids. While the dogs mostly salivated at the tasty snack, cats simply looked offended.

In these cases, the pooches may just have more sense than their owners (or it could be the hunger taking over).


While many think it's harmless fun and the video is something they can show to their children when they're older, it can get out of hand.


In one tweet, a teen chucked what appears to be a block of cheese at his younger brother's head, possibly injuring the child in the process.

Then, those who are worried about the children's safety raised concerns of potential suffocation. But these critics have been called "overly sensitive" and their concerns brushed off.

We think 'model' mum Chrissy Teigen said it best:


Parents, why not adapt the challenge and turn it into something your kid can learn from? This dad taught his son how to say "Thank you" after handing him a piece of cheese.


ALSO READ: YouTube clarifies rules on pranks as risky memes rage

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