Daily roundup: Singtel vs Starhub vs M1 vs TPG mobile plan comparison - and other top stories today

Stay in the know with a recap of our top stories today.
1. Seniors go digital: Singtel vs Starhub vs M1 vs TPG mobile plan comparison
To help these elderly, the IMDA has announced a new mobile access for seniors scheme, which allows low income seniors in Singapore to get subsidised phones and mobile plans... » READ MORE
2. Terence Cao hasn't seen 10-year-old daughter in 9 months, but she's too busy for him
With the implementation of travel restrictions and safety measures due to Covid-19, some families and loved ones have been separated for the time being. Local actor Terence Cao is no different — he has not seen his 10-year-old daughter Shi En in nine months as she's living and studying in Shanghai.... » READ MORE
3. 'Funny, but a little disturbing': Dr Tan Cheng Bock on being the subject of deepfake videos
By now, you might have been tickled (or horrified) by a video making its rounds on local social media: 16 prominent Singaporean political figures seemingly singing in unison to a Japanese pop ballad from a video game series..... » READ MORE
4. Here's how you can put your NDP funpack to good use - gift it to our migrant workers
Instead of letting it potentially go to waste, A Good Space, a community-owned co-operative for change, is asking Singaporeans to repurpose their funpacks instead and gift them to our migrant workers.... » READ MORE