Boy who threw cat off 22nd floor of HDB block has apologised, says he will not do it again: AVS

The boy who threw a cat off the 22nd floor of a HDB block last December was issued a stern warning and has apologised for his actions, said the Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS).
"He wanted to convey his remorse and apology to the cat’s caregivers, and said that he would not do it again," said AVS' group director Jessica Kwok at an online press conference held by the National Parks Board (NParks).
The 10-year-old boy also expressed regret and remorse through AVS for killing the animal in Boon Lay.
The agency added that boy underwent assessment by a psychiatrist from the Institute of Mental Health where it was determined that he lacked the "sufficient maturity" to understand the "nature and consequences" of his actions.
AVS said that the boy has gone through a Diversionary Programme that focused on rehabilitation, letting him understand animal welfare, how to care for animals, living with animals in the community and why his actions were wrong.
The programme also had practical sessions, where the boy helped out at a cat shelter and fed, handled and groomed these animals.
AVS shared that the programme took place over a month during the recent June holidays to ensure minimum disruption to his schoolwork. The boy's father was also present throughout the programme.
Upon completion of the programme, AVS also gave a stern warning to the boy and will continue to monitor his progress via his school, and his parents.
There were also queries raised at the press conference about whether this is the boy's first offence, citing rumours on Facebook that he might had done the same to a kitten when he was six years old.
Additionally, residents have claimed that there have been multiple such deaths in their estate, according to a report by The Straits Times. It is unclear if the boy is linked to these claims.
In response, AVS said that they take all feedback seriously and investigate them thoroughly.
"For this particular boy, we did not receive any other reports of him being involved in other cases, so there were no other reports on that matter."
In December last year, CCTV footage of the boy throwing a cat off a HDB block left members of the public shocked and concerned.
The child was seen exiting the lift on the 22nd floor of the block, with a cat trailing after him.
Then, the boy picked up the cat, looked around and tossed the animal off the building.
A loud bang was heard moments later.
"We are deeply disturbed by the actions captured in the footage," the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) wrote in a Facebook post in response to the incident then.
"Animal abuse and cruelty have no place in our society."
Boon Lay resident Umi Solikati, said in an interview with the Straits Times then that she had found the dead and mangled cat, Panther, near a bicycle parking space below the block.
She reportedly fed Panther daily for 11 years prior to its death.
"I kept calling its name but it wouldn't wake up. I didn't know what to do, so I buried it nearby," Umi, 39, told the Straits Times.
Shortly after, a memorial was held at Block 186 Boon Lay Avenue where Umi and other feeders mourned the loss of their community's cat.