'I would like to plead for leniency': Teen performs sexual act on 14-year-old girl and later admits it on Instagram Live

SINGAPORE – A teen who admitted on social media that he had performed a sexual act on a 14-year-old girl who was drunk pleaded guilty to five charges on Tuesday (Nov 15).
The man, now 19, admitted to one count of sexual penetration of a minor below 16 years of age. He also pleaded guilty to two theft-related charges, one count of cheating and one count of driving without a licence.
He cannot be named due to a gag order protecting the victim’s identity.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Teo Siu Ming said on Sept 21, 2021, the 14-year-old secondary school girl met the accused at a mutual friend’s flat.
The accused mixed an alcoholic drink for the victim, who drank it and began feeling tipsy and unwell. She vomited in the toilet, dirtying her clothes in the process, and lay on the floor.
Seeing that the victim had vomited on her clothes, the accused proceeded to remove her pants. She thought he was trying to help her clean up and did not object.
The accused then removed her underwear and performed a sexual act on her. He stopped only when she asked him twice to do so. She continued lying on the toilet floor as she was still feeling unwell.
The group later left the flat and, because she was still unconscious, the accused and their friend attempted to carry her down the stairs.
When the friend dropped the victim, the accused dragged her halfway down the stairs by her arms before letting go. She then slid down the remainder of the flight of stairs.
The group found this humorous and one of them took a video. The victim was subsequently taken home by her grandparents who were contacted.
After she regained consciousness the following day, she messaged the accused on Instagram asking him what had happened. He admitted that he had performed a sexual act and apologised for doing so.
On Nov 20, 2021, their mutual friend made several posts about the incident on Instagram. He uploaded the video of the girl sliding down the stairs and also stated that the accused had performed a sexual act on her.
Two days later, at their mutual friend’s behest to make a public apology of what had happened in the flat, the accused joined an Instagram Live – a live stream where participants can comment and react.
“As the matter had gained traction on social media, some local social media influencers requested to join... the Instagram Live,” said DPP Teo.
The accused was questioned during the live stream and he admitted to performing a sexual act.
The incident went viral and led to the public lodging police reports. The accused was arrested on Nov 23.
Separately, the accused stole three bottles of alcohol valued at $264 from Cold Storage supermarket in Takashimaya in July 2021. That same month, he stole six bottles of alcohol worth $528 from the Velocity outlet of the supermarket chain.
He also rented a car using a GetGo car-sharing account that he purchased from a seller in September 2021. The following month, he drove the car to ferry his friends around despite not holding a driving licence then.
DPP Teo urged District Judge Kessler Soh to call for a reformative training report as the accused had committed a wide spectrum of offences and demonstrated the need for a more structured rehabilitative environment.
Reformative training is a rehabilitative sentencing option for young offenders aged under 21 who are found to be unsuitable for probation.
Judge Soh called for probation and reformative training reports, noting that the offences committed were varied and that the accused had committed them at a young age.
When asked if he wanted to say anything in his mitigation, the accused said: “I would like to plead for leniency, Your Honour.”
He has been remanded and will return to court on Nov 22.
This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.