'It holds great value to us': Woman honours dad by turning his taxi into her bridal car

Wedding cars are often associated with vehicles that exude luxury or status, but Kavitha D/O Palaniappan took a different route.
She chose the taxi that her dad's been driving for the past 19 years to be her bridal car.
In a Facebook post on Jan 14, the woman shared why she did so. Kavitha said that this honoured what her father, Palaniappan S/O Arumugam, had done to provide for the family.
Kavitha's mother suggested using his taxi as the bridal car, and the family was fully on board with the idea.
The vehicle is more than a mode of transportation for them as it has been the source of livelihood throughout Kavitha and her brother's educational journey, she explained.
“My dad managed to put my brother and me through polytechnic by faithfully driving the taxi almost every day. He is 73, near retirement age, but refuses to retire yet as he enjoys taxi driving too much,” she told ComfortDelGro.
Palaniappan said he was more than happy to have his daughter use the taxi for her special day.
He added: "It is nothing much to look at but it has been my source of income to provide for my family so it holds great value to us."
The cabby sought permission from ComfortDelGro two days before the wedding and the company gave him the green light.
Palaniappan was also the driver for his daughter's wedding which took place last November. His experience on the road meant that he was able to navigate the heavy traffic to ensure Kavitha arrived at the wedding reception on time.
This is not the first time a couple in Singapore turned a cab into their bridal car.
Last April, Abdul Aziz Bin Talibak offered his taxi to his niece, Syarinah Sani, as a bridal car for her big day.
Aziz did so to help Syarinah and her partner save on wedding expenses.
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