'It's too much': Resident unable to sleep as 15 claw machines trill through the night in pasar malam

While some have nightmares of strange, alien creatures or their greatest fears given life, what keeps this man up at night is something else entirely — pink claw machines.
A resident in Choa Chu Kang was reportedly deprived of sleep due to the sound of claw machines just below his block, Shin Min Daily News reported today (Aug 11).
Surnamed Yang, the 62-year-old resident claimed that music from the 15 claw machines at a nearby pasar malam had prevented him from sleeping well for four days and nights.
The night market was set up last Saturday (Aug 5) in celebration of National Day, and will run till tomorrow night.
When the claw machines were first put in place, the sound was unbearably loud for Yang, who lives at block 818C, Choa Chu Kang Ave 1.
He reportedly went downstairs and discussed with the machine operator, who subsequently reduced the sound of the machines' music.
But his woes didn't end there as come nighttime, the machines kept on running through the night, even after the market was closed.
"I understand that they need to do business, but most night markets end at 10.30pm, so it's too much for them to continue running into the wee hours of the morning," Yang told the Chinese-language daily.
Yang lives on the second floor of the HDB block, facing the market. The distance between him and these machines is about 10 metres, Shin Min reported.
He added that in his seven years living in this estate, this is the first time a pasar malam has been held below the block.
While he appreciates the celebration, he also stressed that the feelings of nearby residents ought to be considered.
Another resident, 30-year-old Isamuddin, however felt that the volume was acceptable and that he didn't hear much from the pasar malam past 9pm.
A Shin Min reporter who went to the pasar malam said that the sound from the machines was acceptable, and that the noise generated from people changing coins from a nearby machine was louder.
Responding to queries by the Chinese daily, a spokesperson from the Brickland Constituency Office (BCO) shared that the claw machines were only allowed to operate up till 10.30pm.
From their investigation, the BCO said it confirmed with the operator that the machines had ceased to function after 10.30pm.
Yang also told Shin Min that the claw machines had stopped operating at 10.30pm for the past two nights.
However, the BCO said it intends to continue monitoring the situation.