O-level results: Class of 2020 set new record with 85.4% getting 5 or more passes

SINGAPORE - Students who sat the O-level examinations from June last year while in the midst of a global pandemic set a new record, with 85.4 per cent of the cohort attaining five or more passes.
The class of 2020 proved resilient, securing the best showing at the national exam in at least three decades despite lockdowns and school closures.
The O-level results have been on an upward trajectory over the last few years.
In 2019, 85.2 per cent secured five or more passes, up 0.4 percentage points from the previous year.
In 2017, the figure was 83.4 per cent, and in 2016, it was 84.3 per cent.
Given the Covid-19 situation, arrangements have been made for school candidates to receive their results from their respective secondary schools with safe management measures in place, said the Ministry of Education (MOE) and Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) on Monday (Jan 11).
As per previous years, private candidates will be notified of their individual result by post.
All candidates who are eligible for SingPass will also be able to access their results online via the SEAB's results release system.
In previous years, this was an option available only to private candidates.
The MOE and SEAB said that of the 23,688 candidates last year, 99.9 per cent passed their O levels - which means they passed at least one subject - and 96.8 per cent passed at least three.
Students who wish to apply for admission to junior colleges, Millennia Institute, polytechnics, and the Institute of Technical Education may do so via the Joint Admissions Exercise using their O-level examination results.
The Joint Admissions Exercise Internet System will be accessible from 3pm on Monday to 4pm on Friday (Jan 15).
Students seeking guidance on their options can approach their teachers or the Education and Career Guidance counsellors supporting their schools.
Students can also use the web-based MySkillsFuture portal to learn what is available, and match their interests and aptitudes to courses and careers.
Students can also make an appointment for online or phone counselling with a counsellor from the Education and Career Guidance Centre at MOE (Grange Road).
This can be done via the e-Appointment system, or by calling the Education and Career Guidance hotline on 6831 1420, by or e-mailing MOE_ECG@moe.gov.sg.
The online or phone counselling service will be offered from until Jan 20.
This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction