'Still have the cheek to stare': Video of woman and child nearly getting hit while crossing road angers netizens

A woman failed to look both ways before crossing a busy road with a child, endangering their lives and angering netizens.
Dashcam camera footage from the incident, which supposedly took place on Friday (May 17) morning, was posted to Facebook Group SG Road Vigilante the next day.
The 22-second video shows a woman and a school uniform-clad child, presumably hers, crossing a congested two-lane road in Taman Jurong without the former checking for incoming traffic.
The car recording the footage has its view of the pair blocked by a lorry on left lane, causing the driver to jam the brakes only when they become visible at the last second.
This startles the woman, who gives the driver of the recording car a long stare after she and the child rush to stand on the road divider.
Some netizens were angered by the woman's "careless" behaviour and questioned how she could endanger her own child.
One Facebook user commented: "What kind of parent is this?"
Another comment read: "[She was] putting her child on the side of danger. If the car couldn't stop in time, the child would get hit first."
A few netizens commented on the fact that the woman seemed to be angry at the driver, which they felt was "uncalled for".
One netizen wrote: "Still can stare at the car as if she done nothing wrong."
"The mother still stares like the driver is at fault. Instilling all the wrong values to the poor kid," read another comment.
Some comments also praised the driver's "quick reflexes" in braking before hitting the pair, adding that the woman should have thanked the driver instead of showing hostility.
A few netizens defended the woman, pointing out that the issue lay in the road design.
"Cannot blame the woman at all because there is this superb design to encourage crossing from nowhere. There are many such crossings around," wrote one such Facebook user.
Another netizen echoed this sentiment, saying: "Why they build a 'walkway' in the middle? If they want pedestrians to cross they should have just built a zebra crossing, or better still traffic light, instead."
According to the Highway Code, road users on foot should always use a pedestrian crossing when it is available and cross the road by the shortest possible route when there are no pedestrian crossings.
It is advised that pedestrians make sure to have a clear view of the road both ways before crossing, taking extra care if their view is limited by stationary vehicles or other obstruction.
The Highway Code also recommends teaching children the kerb drill for crossing the road, which is "look right, look left, then look right again, and if the road is clear, quick march".