Weight-gain fines and frog squats: Boutique employees allege bizarre rules and punishments

[UPDATE: Sept 4]
An MOM spokesperson confirmed on Sept 3 that two former employees of Southaven Boutique had approached the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM) in July and August this year to seek advice on salary payment issues.
While one of them did not pursue the matter, the other lodged a claim for notice pay. TADM is currently looking into the case.
Tafep is also in contact with the company to gather the facts on its employees’ complaints.
Forgot to fill up the electric kettle? Prepare to pay a fine of $1. Gained weight? That'll be another fine.
Strange as it may sound, that's all in a day's work at local fashion company Southaven, according to several former employees.
The fashion chain has been accused of putting employees through bizarre punishments such as frog squats and fines for anything from weight gain to forgetting to cap their pens, Shin Min Daily News reported yesterday (Aug 24).
The women, aged between 20 and 27, recounted their ordeals to the Chinese daily, claiming that they were made to:
One employee, 20, said she ended up paying "a few hundred dollars" in fines and penalties in her first month of employment.
After "enduring until [she] could not bear it" for five months, she quit her job.
Another employee, also 20, related how she had resorted to a diet of meal replacement products and fruits to try to lose weight and avoid being fined.
"I often broke down and cried," she added, describing the toll the job took on her mental health.
Rebutting some of the claims, a spokesperson for Southaven told Shin Min:
Southaven, which has been in business since 1997, has five outlets in Singapore.
AsiaOne has reached out to the Ministry of Manpower for more information.
Under the Employment Act, employers are not allowed to dock an employee's pay without a valid reason.
Legitimate reasons for deducting from an employee's pay include:
For workers in manual labour jobs with a monthly salary below $4,500 and other jobs paying below $2,600, Part IV of the Employment Act covers issues relating to working hours.
Essentially, employees are not allowed to work more than 12 hours per day, nor should they work more than six consecutive hours without a break.
Both full-time and part-time employees are also entitled to pay for overtime work.
For other interactions in the workplace which may amount to workplace harassment, such as those that cause distress, violate one's dignity or create an unfavourable work environment, employees can approach the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (Tafep) for assistance.
According to Tafep's Tripartite Guidelines, employees should be treated fairly and with respect.
Though workplace harassment may be initiated by other employees, managers or contractors, employers have a responsibility to prevent and manage it.