'He shat all over my toilet and dining chairs': Woman calls cops after stranger enters her home in Jurong

[Update Aug 28] Responding to AsiaOne’s queries, the police said they received a call for assistance along Jurong West Street 42 on Aug 25 at about 2.55am.
No injuries were reported and no further police assistance was required.
A simple act of forgetting to lock their main door turned into quite a nightmare for one woman and her family when a stranger entered their home in Jurong and left a nasty mess behind.
Erma Othman took to TikTok to recount their scary encounter with the man on Thursday (Aug 25).
That morning, her family was sleeping in the master bedroom when she heard a sound coming from their main door just before 3am.
That's "just the wind", her husband reassured her but Erma thought otherwise.
"Something [told] me that it's not the wind, I [had] a very bad feeling about this, and it was true because the knocking started getting very aggressive," she said in the video.
True enough, the knocking turned into sounds of someone trying to pry open the door — confirming her suspicion that someone was indeed trying to enter their home.
By this time, Erma‘s first child was woken up by the commotion, and was "shaken" by the aggressive knocks on the door.
She then told him to go to sleep and "don't make a lot of noise, there's some bad guy outside".
"When he covered himself with the blanket, the whole blanket was shaking," she recounted.
While Erma and her husband were deciding their next course of action, the latter heard the sound of water running.
"I told my husband, since he's in the toilet, just quickly go out to the kitchen, take a knife and open the main door and gate."
Leaving the master bedroom, Erma said her husband noticed that the stranger had removed his clothes and left them on the dining table.
Continuing her story in a second video, Erma said her husband then opened the main door and gate, grabbed the man's clothes and a knife and returned to the master bedroom.
After unlocking the master bedroom door, Erma said she called the police.
When the police came, Erma said they told her that the main door had been locked – presumably by the same stranger who entered their house illegally and who was still there.
"He was in the toilet, he went out and had the bloody cheek and audacity to close [and lock] the main door."
Confirming that the stranger had gone back into the toilet, Erma told her husband to unlock the main door and let the police handle the situation.
As it turns out, the intruder was actually her neighbour from the ninth floor, who most likely entered the wrong house as he was drunk, said Erma.
"You know what's the best part? He shat all over my toilet and my dining chairs," said Erma, adding that she intends to throw out those chairs.
"Let this be a lesson to always lock your main door... and drink responsibly."
In a third video, Erma shared that they eventually chose not to press charges against the man.
"I'm quite glad that [it turned out to be] a neighbour and not an outsider," she said.
The man's brother later told Erma that he wanted to compensate them for the cleaning costs, but she turned down the offer as they were already done with the cleaning.
"He came down to apologise, so all is good."
AsiaOne has reached out to Erma for more information.
In a separate incident that took place last May, a man was rudely awoken when a topless man barged into his home in Braddell.
Caleb Tay wrote in a Facebook post that he was sleeping in his bedroom when he heard a loud noise coming from outside.
A few seconds later, a "topless" man barged into his room.
"I was so confused. Who the eff is this dude," Tay wrote. He began yelling at the man, but received no response from the latter, who eventually walked out of Tay's house.
The topless man was eventually arrested for criminal trespass and suspected drug-related offences, the police told AsiaOne then.
"We have no clue why he was barging into people's houses or why he came into my house," said Tay.
The offence of criminal trespass under Section 447 of the Penal Code carries an imprisonment term which may extend to three months, or a fine which may extend to $1,500, or both.
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