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Daily roundup: Boy in Malaysia allegedly takes own life due to homework pressure - and other top stories today

Daily roundup: Boy in Malaysia allegedly takes own life due to homework pressure - and other top stories today

Stay in the know with a recap of our top stories today.

1. ​Boy in Malaysia allegedly takes own life due to homework pressure/a>

A 13-year-old boy, said to be unable to cope with school work, was found hanged in the bathroom of a flat here... » READ MORE

2. Driver in Singapore slammed for tossing soiled diaper onto another car

Photo: Facebook/Jonathan Lee

A driver in Singapore has achieved online notoriety after he was caught on video tossing a soiled diaper onto another car... » READ MORE

3. Japanese net idol brutally attacked in Seoul, told to "get out of Korea"

Photo: Twitter/miyurindarukoro

In a horrible case of a vacation gone wrong, a Japanese net idol was threatened and beaten up by a man in Hongdae, Seoul on Aug 23... » READ MORE

4. SIA bans some models of 15-inch MacBook Pro from flights

Photo: Unsplash

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has banned a few models of 15-inch MacBook Pro laptops from all of its flights after Apple recalled those models of older generation devices... » READ MORE

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