'She should just die': Local actress Nurul Aini criticised by netizen; husband confronts him

The loudest voices on the internet usually talk a big game when they're hiding behind their keyboards.
And that's why local actress Nurul Aini doesn't bother much with her detractors nowadays.
Speaking to local radio DJ Jean Danker on her mental health podcast R U Okay? last week, the 39-year-old recounted an incident in 2014 where her husband confronted a cyberbully on her behalf.
At that time, Nurul broke her arm while filming, went for surgery and had to put on a cast. A local media publication reported on this and shared the article on Facebook.
Unfortunately, it drew the attention of a netizen who left a scathing comment.
The actress-host said: "There was one particular comment from this particular guy who said that 'I wish she would die. She should just die. She deserves it. I don't like her. She's mean.'"
Nurul didn't know who this guy was and she showed her husband the comment and the netizen's profile. Her husband then said "Okay, okay, I'll remember this guy".
She continued: "A couple of months after that — I wasn't even in a cast anymore, I was so free, not in pain anymore — we went to a restaurant. And then my husband was sitting beside me, he was eating and then he suddenly stopped eating. I asked him why and he said 'Eh, it's that guy!'"
The mother-of-three was confused and her husband clarified that it was "the guy who commented about you". However, she doubted him at first because she was surprised that he could remember the profile.
Her husband then told her to "wait here" but Nurul said they should leave instead of starting a fight as they were with their kids.
However, her husband said that he was just "going to talk" and she insisted on accompanying him.
She said: "I went with him — I was so scared, guys. My heart was beating so fast. This guy was sitting with his wife and he had his udon... he was eating and my husband went straight to him and said, 'Hey, you remember her or not?'
"He didn't want to look up... he looked so blur. Then my husband said, 'You remember what you said about her? You said she should die right? You said she should die right?'... He (the guy) was so scared."
Nurul didn't know what to do and kept telling her husband to leave but he refused and demanded an explanation from the man.
The man "kept on saying that it's not him" until Nurul's husband showed him the comment with the profile.
"And then he did the most unbelievable thing. He actually turned to his wife... and said, 'You also don't like her what. You also got say things about her'," said the actress, who added that the woman had no idea what was going on and she felt very bad for the wife for being thrown under the bus.
The man ultimately kept quiet when he was further confronted about his nasty remark.
Nurul said: "That was when I learnt that all these mean people who comment on your social media, they are just keyboard warriors. When you see them face to face, they're freaking cowards."